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President's Message

President's Message

Hello Baltimore Wellesley Alumnae!

We are happy to welcome you to the Baltimore Wellesley Club!  Please see the list below for the current  officers, and feel free to be in touch with any of us with any questions.  We hope you have been receiving the Club’s emails, but if not, here is a recap of our first few gatherings as the Club becomes active again after being unable to meet in person during the pandemic:

-          15 alums enjoyed reconnecting over appetizers and beverages at the beautiful home of Ellen Keats Stifler ’74 on September 11, 2022. The group included alums from classes ranging from 1960 up to the most recent class of 2022! Many thanks to Ellen for hosting us that afternoon, and to everyone who brought wonderful treats to share. The attendees discussed how they had missed each other and missed having regular BWC events. All expressed a desire to have the BWC be more active and have regular events planned, which could be virtual or in person.


-          19 alums from 8 decades and their guests attended a holiday gathering and meeting of the Club on January 9, 2023 at the beautiful home of Jackie Valentine ’10. Rieyn DeLony and Denny Donovan welcomed everyone and thanked the hosts Jackie and Phillip for their hospitality. During the meeting, Rieyn DeLony presented the slate of officers and board members as follows:


President Rieyn DeLony ‘88,

Vice President – Rona Leff ‘86

Treasurer – Vicki Errickson Buchler ‘10

Secretary – Denny Donovan ‘79

Alum Admission Liaison – Naana Boampong ‘09

Book Club leader – Tanya Rapacz ‘92


A motion was made by Vicki Errickson Buchler to accept the slate of officers and board members, and the motion was seconded by Ellen Stifler. All present vote “aye” and the slate of officers and board members was duly elected.


-          Our newly elected Vice President Rona Leff conducted an online survey sent to area alums on February 8, 2023 about event preferences.  The officers are planning upcoming events based on the survey results.


-          5 alums and some family members volunteered to do farm chores on a blustery, sunny day at the Little Portion Farm in Howard County on March 5, 2023. The farm grows fresh fruits and vegetables to provide to those in need.


-          A book club kick off Zoom will be hosted by Tanya Rapacz on April 22, 2023 at 2 p.m. Please watch your email for the Zoom link and contact Tanya at" if you have any questions.

Please note that according to the new policy of Wellesley, all Wellesley clubs no longer collect dues, and all area alums are considered members of their local clubs. Our Club’s existing funds have been transferred to the College in an account we may use to pay for certain expenses associated with Club events.  The treasurer’s role will change to more of a bookkeeping function, as all funds and reimbursements will now be handled by the College.  Our Club will receive an annual stipend for activities from the College, and we may charge for out- of- pocket costs to hold programs and activities,  but we will no longer collect dues.

More events are being planned, so stay tuned -- we hope to see you at an upcoming event!  Please be in touch if you have an idea for, or would like to plan or host an event, or if you want to volunteer to help our Club.


Rieyn DeLony ’88, President, Baltimore Wellesley Club