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Support Wellesley College

Day of Giving

Beautiful campus.

Outstanding education.
Friendships that last a lifetime.

Why do you love Wellesley? Show your love with a gift to The Wellesley Fund today!

The @WellesleyCollege community is joining together today for Wellesley’s Day of Giving. Click the link below to learn how you can join the CE/DS Class to help The Wellesley Fund make an impact on what we love about Wellesley. Click here for Wellesley's Day of Giving -

If you would like your donated funds be designated in support of Continuing Education students, under the DESIGNATION drop down choose "OTHER", after clicking on the link posted above, type in one of the following funds:
To donate for Financial Aid type in one of the following Scholarships:
Continuing Education Scholarship Fund
Betty Lou Marple Continuing Education Scholarship Fund
Jean B. Kendall Endowed Continuing Education Scholarship Fund
To donate a gift for Continuing support type in one of the following funds:
Wellesley Student Aid Society (WSAS)
Davis Scholar Lifeline Fund
Davis Scholar Non-Resident Lifeline Fund

Thank you for your support!


The Continuing Education /Davis Scholar Program has three funds to support CE/DS Students in completing their studies at Wellesley College. These funds are:

(1) The Continuing Education Scholarship Fund

(2) The Jean B. Kendall Endowed Continuing Education Scholarship Fund

(3) The Betty Lou Marple Continuing Education Scholarship Fund.

To make a donation to one of these scholarship funds please click below and choose the fund by typing in OTHER , than under Other: type in one of the above mentioned funds you wish to donate to.


Give to Wellesley

Linda Kosinski,

CE/DS Alumnae Class Past President (2017- 2026)