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About Reunion

Reunion 2024 - Classes ending in 4's and 9's

Friday, May 24th to Sunday, May 26th

 Wellesley College is excited to welcome classes ending in 4 and 9 this May.  

If you graduated in a class ending in a 3 or 8 and would like to celebrate with your graduating class, you are invited to register for this event.

Registration will open March 4!

  • Outreach to classes ending in 4 and 9 will be primarily through email in order to share up-to-date information as it is available. Please keep your email addresses current with the College. Changes can be made directly using the Update Your Profile button on the home page of this site or by contacting 
  • Limited on-campus housing is available due to planned campus construction. Hotel information will be shared ahead of registration. 
  • There is no walk-in registration.

  • Answers to many general questions are available here