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Past Presidents

Original Club Constitution adopted November 27, 1891
1891-1892 Mary Howe Strauss '88
1892-1893 Marion Ely Ellis '88
1893-1894 Margaret Wrenn Banes '91
1894-1895 Clara Helmer Merrill '93
1895-1896 May Estell Cook '88
1896-1897 Ada M. Belfield '96
1898-1899 Elizabeth Wallace '86
1899-1900 Dora Wells '84
1900-1901 Mariam Besley '87
1901-1903 Christine Caryl '95
1903-1905 Florence Runnells Bryant '83
1905-1907 Harriet Wilcox Gunn '03
1907-1908 Alice McLennan Newton '06
1908-1909 Constance Rothschild Morris '96
1909-1910 Annie Peaks Kenny '96
1910-1911 Alma Seipp Hay '99
1911-1913 Elizabeth Moore MacLeish '06
1913-1915 Mae Osborn Carothers '07
1915-1917 Virginia Dodge Hough '92
1917-1919 Kathryn Schmidt Gallauer '14
1919-1921 Kathrine Mortenson Carr '12
1921-1923 Edith Butler Pool '96
1923-1924 Edith Sackett Howard '12
1924-1926 Mary Morrell Heald '11
1926-1928 Marion Mills Brown '10
1928-1932 Georgia Silver Broomell '02
1932-1934 Jane Cool McGinnis '98
1934-1936 Marguerite Stitt Church '14
-1936 Emily M. Goehst '29
1936-1938 Helen M. Bennett '98
1938-1940 Helen Johnston White '05
1940-1944 Katharine Chalmers Coe '16
1944-1946 Helen Hefferan Paschen '28
1946-1948 Ruth Henderson Peace '12
1948-1950 Anna Paton Goodman '18
1950-1952 Elizabeth Allbright Boyd '12
1952-1954 Joy Scheidenhelm Taylor '24
1954-1956 Theresa Rew Long '28
1956-1958 Mandeliene Franks Ricketts '25
1958-1960 Eleanor Sharp Wesselman '28
1960-1962 Maida Randall Slater '27
1962-1966 Elizabeth Scott Hansen Pope '30
1966-1968 Mary Scheidenhelm Schweitzer '25
1968-1970 Violet-Page Koteen Kaufman '32
1970-1972 Helen Price Brill '37
1972-1974 Margaret Pierson Badger '44
1974-1976 Jean Schifflin Sampson '53
1976-1978 Donna Klann Mueller '56
1978-1980 Patricia Mohr Thomas '51
1980-1982 Jean Beaverson Pettibone '47
1982-1984 Caroline Paschen McConnell ‘53
1984-1986 Simonne Bloom Wysockey '55
1986-1988 Marjorie Church Barnum ‘50
1988-1990 Victoria Herget Parsons '73
1990-1992 Prudence Richardson Beidler '67
1992-1994 Ann Bernstein Burnstine '53
1994-1996 Laura Daignault Gates '72
1996-1998 Alison Li Chung '73
1998-2000 Virginia Green Highstone '61
2000-2001 Courtney Graham Donnell '67
2001–2004 Phyllis Douglass Hayes '77
2004-2006 Helen Kriz Marshall '77
2006-2008 Elizabeth “Libbet” Dunlop Richter ‘66
2008-2010 Pam Ohman ‘80
2010-2012 Sally Grenville ‘75
2012-2014 Beth Schmakel Weiss ‘74
2014-2018 Patricia Mell ‘75
2018-2020 Charlotte Luke Christian ‘76