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President's Message

It is safe to say that I never thought my Wellesley journey (because we all know that it is LIFE LONG 😊) would lead to me serving as the 2021-2022 President of the Chicago Wellesley Club. I am truly honored to serve, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: it was never my intention to do so. The world changed. America changed. The Chicago Wellesley Club changed. I changed.

In 2020 after 15 years of service as an Alumna Admissions Representative, I joined the Board as the VP of Admissions. At the time I thought I was simply adding a few more administrative duties to the recruitment and interviewing I was already doing for the college. I quickly discovered that I was part of the leadership of a local Wellesley club embarking on an evolution. As we did the work and began to evolve, I was called to lead the next wave. To ignore that call would not only be a slap in the face to our beloved Wellesley, but also unappreciative of one of the few entities that provided consistency for many of us during incredibly uncertain times – the Chicago Wellesley Club.

I am extremely proud to be a member of the most culturally diverse Board of Directors in the history of the club with representation from 6 decades of classes. We have also become more competent in being equitable and inclusive and translating that to our programming and engagement strategies. We are a work in progress, but the most important and empowering word in that phrase is PROGRESS. As we continue working to create a local club that embodies the spirit of the experiences we enjoyed in our dining halls, at cultural events, and within our beloved traditions, we invite you to join the evolution of the Chicago Wellesley Club.

The road ahead is not easy, but nevertheless, WE PERSIST. Thank you for your confidence and I look forward to impactfully serving our siblinghood, the College, and the Chicago Wellesley Club.