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2018 Wellesley in Chicago - Annual Meeting and Luncheon Featuring Michael Jeffries

Michael Jeffries to Speak at CWC Annual Meeting and Luncheon

The Chicago Wellesley Club is excited to welcome Michael P. Jeffries to the club's annual meeting and luncheon! Professor Jeffries, author of Paint the White House Black and Behind the Laughs: Community and Inequality in Comedy, will speak on racism and sexism in comedy.


  WHEN: Saturday, May 5 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

  WHERE: At a downtown club in Chicago. Please refer to your printed invitation for the address.

  TICKETS: Purchase your tickets online by May 2

Dues-paid members $40

Non-dues-paid members and guests - $50


         **Patron members may brings guests at the dues-paid member rate

  PARKING: Valet parking is available @$20


11:00    Check-in

11:30    Luncheon

12:00    Business Meeting

12:15    #MeToo: Sexism and the Business of Comedy



 Click here to buy tickets!!!

Prefer to pay by check? Contact for instructions or refererence printed invitation or club emails for information. Checks must be postmarked no later than April 14.

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