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40s and 50s Decades Book Group - Madame Fourcade's Secret War, by Lynne Olson - July 2019

40s and 50s Decades Book Group: Madame Fourcade's Secret War, by Lynne Olson

Time: 9:30AM
Location: Vi at the Glen, 2500 Indigo Lane, Glenview 60026

Classes of 40s and 50s, we hope you'll save the date and join us to discuss Madame Fourcade's Secret War by Lynne Olson.

We will begin at 9:30AM with coffee and conversation, followed by the book discussion from 10:00AM to 11:30AM.  Any questions and RSVPs should be directed to Anne Martin '58,
Please note there is complimentary valet parking at Vi at the Glen, and public transportation to Glenview via the Metra.