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Around Town - ReelAbilities Film Festival Hearts of Glass and Dinner

Around Town: ReelAbilities Film Festival "Hearts of Glass" and Dinner


Wellesley alum, Jennifer Tennican '88, brings her documentary film "Hearts of Glass" to Chicago. Join us for the screening (68min) and a short Q&A session. After the show, we'll walk to a great Thai restaurant with whoever wants to join us for dinner.


Date: Thursday, August 15th

Time: 6:30 p.m. 

Cost: $0 (tickets are free, but we do need specific contact info to reserve those tickets)

Location: Cassidy Theater at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington, Chicago, across from Millennium Park

Description The ReelAbilities Film Festival is dedicated to sharing the human experience of disability through art and film. "Hearts of Glass" follows the tumultous first 15 months of the operating of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that provides local crops as well as employment for people with disabilities. Plants and people grow together in this intimate look at innovation, inclusion, and communities. If you are interested in attending Sarah Longley will register you for a ticket.

RSVP to Include your name, number, and if you have any ADA needs.