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Around Town - the Moth StorySlam in Chicago

Around Town: the Moth in Chicago

The first time had to be repeated.. we are heading back to the Moth in Chicago once again!


 What: the Moth StorySLAM, open-mic storytelling competition. The Theme = "Impostor"

 Date: June 26, 2018

 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

 Location: Lincoln Hall, 2424 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago -- off the Fullerton brown/purple/red line, as well as the #8, #37 and #74 buses

Cost: can't guarantee the costs, but last time the tickets were $11.50 when purchased in advance.

Please RSVP to If you do RSVP, please know that you are committing to your attendance, and paying up to $20 per ticket, due to high demand and ticket sales opening one week before the event.