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Around Town - Tiki Party

Around Town: Return to The Trade Winds Lounge/Tiki Party

When: 1:00pm-3:00pm, Sunday, June 23rd.

The amazing Helen Marshall '77 will be hosting a Tiki party at her home's fully decked-out lounge/art installation/museum space, aka The Trade Winds Lounge. The event will combine two craft cocktails, art, music, history, a lending wardrobe of accoutrements and a drawing for a piece of authentic vintage Hawaiian jewelry. Space will be limited, so please be sure to RSVP. 
Cost: $6 for drinks and bring a food dish to share.
Location:  Wilmette, address provided in June e-newsletter.
How to get there: We will be organizing a carpool from the city. Also accessible by public transit. Metra UP North Line to Central St/Evanston, or the CTA Purple Line to Linden (end of line).

RSVP by Wednesday, 6/19 (so we can get an accurate count for drinks) to Let us know if you can drive or if you need a ride when you RSVP.