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August 14 - CWC Sibling Circle Happy Hour Series - #4 The Gin Conversion

Join your fellow Wellesley siblings for the fourth in our virtual happy hour series and become a gin convert by learning some simple gin cocktails that will turn anyone into a fan.

We'll send out the recipes ahead of time so you can gather your cocktail ingredients. We will have a live demo while spending some time chatting and drinking your cocktails of choice, at home-but together.  Mocktail recipe will also be provided.  We'll also be pairing this with a twist on cucumber sandwiches!

The following are the details for this fourth session:

Date: Friday, August 14, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  Central (note different time from previous events)

Location: Zoom link to be sent in the confirmation email to those who RSVP.

RSVP here

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