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Around the Town

Sunday, Feb. 26:  Brunch & Gardens

Time: 11 a.m. for brunch, 1 p.m. for tour

Cost: free (plus whatever you want for food)

We’ll start with brunch at Inspiration Kitchens: “At Inspiration Kitchens we’ve always believed in using food as a vehicle to change lives... When you dine at Inspiration Kitchens or book us for a catering gig, you’re supporting men and women who are learning in our kitchens and building the foundations to overcome homelessness and poverty and build a better future.” And it looks like some pretty yummy food too!

Next, we'll move on to the Garfield Park Conservatory where they have a free mini tour at 1 p.m. “Take a 45 minute stroll around the Conservatory grounds with a knowledgeable guide. These shortened tours are a great way to learn more than meets the eye, as well as have your questions answered.”
Email Sarah Longley at