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Chicago Wellesley Friends of Art - Tour of Dimensions of Citizenship at Wrightwood

Chicago Wellesley Friends of Art -  Tour of Dimensions of Citizenship: Architecture and 

Belonging from the Body to the Cosmos. 

Friends of Art members are invited to tour Dimensions of Citizenship: Architecture & Belonging from the Body to the Cosmos. Direct from the U.S. Pavilion at the Venice 16th International Architectural Biennale, eleven projects explore how architecture responds to the complex meanings of citizenship today. 
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 12 p.m. 
Location: 659 W. Wrightwood, Chicago
Space is limited. RSVP to Carlyle Madden:
Read about Wrightwood 659 in Architectural Record.


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Wellesley College Friends of Art supports the Davis Museum and Cultural Center, which has become integral to teaching and learning at Wellesley College. Your contribution counts toward College annual giving. Be sure to designate your gift to "Friends of Art."