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CWC Book Club: Clara and Mr  Tiffany, by Susan Vreeland

CWC Book Club: Clara and Mr. Tiffany, by Susan Vreeland

Date:  Saturday, May 4, 2019

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Evanston, Illinois

In this fascinating novel, Susan Vreeland brings to life a woman once lost in the shadows. She details the creative and personal life of Clara Driscoll, head of Tiffany's women's division. "Publicly unrecognized by Tiffany, Clara conceives of and designs nearly all of the iconic glass lamps for which he is long remembered."
Our discussion will be moderated by Pat Anderson '79, at Betty Hayford's home in Evanston (full address provided in the CWC April e-newsletter). RSVP to