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Friends of Art - Art at Smart and Video at The Ren

Chicago Wellesley Friends of Art: Art at Smart and Video at The Ren

Saturday, October 6, 2018, at 11:00AM
Smart Museum of Art

5550 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago 

The Renaissance Society

5811 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago


We begin at 11:00AM with a private tour of the Smart Museum of Art's feature exhibition, The Time is Now, Art Worlds of Chicago's South SIde 1960-1980. After a Dutch treat lunch at a nearby cafe, we'll attend a 2:00PM public viewing of performance Diagolo, DIagolo, a new improvisatory dance composition. At 2:45PM we are scheduled to go on a private tour of the Shadi Habib Allah exhibit at the Renaissance Society.

Come to one show, or come to all. Space is limited to FoA Members. Questions or RSVP: Julie Langdon Antonatas


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Wellesley College Friends of Art supports the Davis Museum and Cultural Center, which has become integral to teaching and learning at Wellesley College.

Your contribution counts toward College annual giving. Be sure to designate your gift to "Friends of Art."