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Friends of Art -- Guided Tour of Expo Chicago

Friends of Art -- Guided Tour of Expo Chicago 


Location: Navy Pier, 600 E. Grand Ave., Chicago

Date: Sept. 17, 2017

Time: 1:00 p.m.


Please join us for a curated tour at EXPO CHICAGO, the International Exposition of Contemporary & Modern Art.  This event is open for all members of the Chicago Wellesley Club.


We wil be meeting in the Northern Trust VIP Lounge at Navy Pier. Tickets will be held at VIP Will Call on the day of the event:  See website for transportation information.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Carlyle Madden '82, at or (773) 620-6677.


Wellesley College Friends of Art supports the Davis Museum and Cultural Center, which has become integral to teaching and learning at Wellesley College.

How to join Friends of Art or increase your contribution:

Go to this link and click “Join Friends of Art at the Davis”

Your contribution counts toward College annual giving.  Be sure to designate your gift to "Friends of Art."

Unsure of your membership status? Email Friends of Art Manager Allison Kerivan, at