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January 22 -  Virtual Wine Tasting led by Ahmie-Woma Farkas '00

This even is open to all Wellesley College Alumnae!

Join your Wellesley siblings for an encore Virtual Wine Tasting led by Ahmie-Woma Farkas of the Class of 2000. This event will feature different food and wine pairings from our first Virtual Wine tasting in July.

Ahmie-Woma is a Wine Guide with Traveling Vineyard and believes that food and wine are meant to be enjoyed together. Ahmie-Woma will guide us through the science behind food and wine pairing based on the unique characteristics of the wine and the food, as well as how those characteristics work together to create the perfect balance on your palate.

During the evening you will be introduced to three wines in a guided tasting - and will be given you some wine tips and tricks as well.

In addition to the wines, there is a list of small food items that we ask you have on hand for Ahmie-Woma to walk you through the pairings with the wines. Those small food items will be detailed in the RSVP confirmation email. 

There will be three options available to you to participate in this unique experience:

  • Option 1- order the wines being used in the Virtual Tasting from the link provided in the RSVP confirmation email (Please allow 10 business days buffer period for the order to be placed and shipped to you.  For this event, submit your order by January 6, 2021 using the link in the RSVP confirmation email.)
  • Option 2 - use your own wine during the tastings. Make sure to have a
    • a Sweet Reisling
    • a white pecorino wine
    • a Red- Cabernet Sauvignon
    • and a bonus dry French Rosé
  • Option 3 - don’t like wine?  Participate anyway, drink and eat what you like, but spend time with your Wellesley Siblings!

The following are the details for this event:

Date: Friday, January 22, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  Central

Location: Zoom link and order information to be sent in the confirmation email to those who RSVP. (You will need to log in with your MyWellesley credentials.)

RSVP here

For questions or concerns, please contact

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