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Nov 20 - CWC Connects: Lincoln Park ZooLights and In-Person Happy Hour/Dinner!

Join your Wellesley siblings and families for The Lincoln Park ZooLights followed by Happy Hour/Dinner!

RSVP is required for this event.  Tickets for ZooLights are $5 to be paid upon RSVP and the event coordinators will buy the ZooLights tickets ahead of time. 

Happy Hour/Dinner will be individually paid by each person.  Everyone attending is responsible for their portion of the final bill. The event coordinators will split the check and itemize by person so that everyone is able to pay for what they've ordered. 

We do not want the ability to pay to be a deterrent from attending.  If you are unable to pay for any reason, please send an email to ahead of the event so we can make Spirit Fund options available.  There will be an option in the RSVP form to participate with or without paying for this event.

A meeting invite will be sent to the email you RSVP with a week before the happy hour event.

The details are as follows:

Date: Saturday, November 20, 2021

Time: 5 p.m. Central meet for ZooLights; 7 p.m. Central meet for Happy Hour/Dinner

Location: Lincoln Park Zoo

You will have to log in with your MyWellesley credentials to RSVP- only alumnae with Wellesley logins will be able to register for this event via MyWellesley credentials:


Questions? Please contact

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