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Sept 27- CWC Virtual Movie Discussion led by Paul Hurder

Join your fellow Wellesley siblings in a lively and spirited discussion of the 2003 American drama film, "Mona Lisa Smile, " starring Julia Roberts portraying a new History of Art professor at Wellesley.

We will critique the film on its own merits focusing on the various elements of film criticism while also discussing this glimpse into the Wellesley of the 1950's and the reaction to the film of alumnae at the time of its release.

We will be led in discussion by special guest, Paul Hurder.  Paul has been a lover of film for most of his life. He has been leading film discussion groups for over twenty years and currently coordinates film study groups at OLLI, the Osher Life Long Learning Institute, a nationwide adult education program affiliated with Northwestern University.

Each participant must obtain and watch the movie either through a streaming service, or from the library, and view at home prior to the discussion.  The confirmation email you receive when you RSVP will have the discussion questions and streaming options outlined.  

This event will be capped at 25 members.

The following are the details for this movie discussion event:

Date: Sunday, September 27, 2020

Time: 3-5 p.m. Central

Location: Zoom link to be sent in the confirmation email to those who RSVP.

RSVP here

For questions or concerns, please contact

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