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Weekend Getaway to Lake Geneva

Weekend Getaway to Lake Geneva

  Friday, February 2 through Sunday, February 4, 2018

  Winterfest at Lake Geneva, visit


 The plan is to get a big Air BNB house, and spend the weekend together - brunches, daytime activities individually or as a

  group, and dinners together.  Sponsored Winterfest events include a hot cocoa crawl, a snow sculpture contest, a "clue

  room" (an escape room), Chicago Brewing History (with beer tasting), and a snow race.  Wilmot Mountain offers

  skiing/snowboarding as well.

In order to get an Air BNB that matches the size of our group, please RSVP early.  Cost will approximately be $250/person for lodging for the weekend. This will take some coordination, but we will also organize car pools, meals/groceries, etc.


Please RSVP to: