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Western Suburbs - Tour of Fermilab

Fermilab: Particles and Prairies in the Western Suburbs

Thurs, August 9, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Batavia, IL

Fermilab is America's particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Did you know it also has a large restored prairie, a herd of bison, a science center, an art gallery and beautiful architecture?


The docent-led tour includes visits to the 1st and 15th floors of Wilson Hall, and the Linac building, which houses the first two accelerators, the neutron cancer therapy area, and the Main Control Room. We will have lunch in the cafeteria and visit with a young woman physicist.  After lunch a docent will take us into the restored prairie.


The charge is $50 per 20 people. The per person cost will depend on how many people sign up. There is an 8:40 AM train from Ogilvie to towns near Fermilab. Members who live nearby may be able to provide transportation for those arriving by train.  Because employees fill the parking lot by Wilson Hall, we will meet at the parking lot by the Lederman Science Center and walk over to Wilson Hall.  You will receive more information when you sign up.


For questions or to RSVP please contact Liz Quigg '66 at with CWC-Fermilab in the subject.