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Call to Action- Volunteer for the Chicago Wellesley Club!

Call to Action- Volunteer for the Chicago Wellesley Club!

Call to Action - Volunteer for the Chicago Wellesley Club Board!

We are one of 80+ alumnae clubs around the world with the mission to connect alumnae to each other and the college. Volunteers serve as club leaders and committee chairs, help organize events and outreach programs, participate in mentoring and admission opportunities, and serve their community. We are 100% volunteer led and would love your participation. Join us at an upcoming event and consider getting involved.

Interested in volunteering your time and service to the Chicago Wellesley Club? If you are interested in volunteering, please do so with the form below.

Volunteer or Nominate: Click on the link below to volunteer or nominate someone (you will have to log in with your MyWellesley credentials).

Volunteer or Nominate

The CWC Board consists of an Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) Programming Committee Chairs, Membership Committee Chairs, Communications Committee Chairs, Community Service Committee Chairs, and Affinity Groups Liaison Committee Chairs.

We look forward to hearing from you!