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Marlene Zahnke Hoerle IS a Happening!

Marlene Zahnke Hoerle IS a real happening!

Diagnosed with Herpes Simplex Encephalitis in 1998,  with a prediction of life “ as a vegetable,” Marlene fought back and proved the doctors wrong. She is still going strong and extremely proud of her accomplishment! 

In 2016  she published a book which can be purchased on Amazon: Riches to Rags to Riches, described this way:

This is the story of a financially rich, highly educated woman who became a financially poor, brain damaged woman. In 1998,her brain was struck by the virus, Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE). She was in a coma for 7 weeks. Two neurologists predicted she would be a vegetable. When she came to, she was totally disoriented. She had no comprehension of what had happened to her. She had no short term memory and feared that she was going crazy. She was totally dependent on others. Fortunately, her power of attorney, an ex-Catholic nun, and a psychotherapist Michele Toomey, PhD continued her counseling and wrote musings based on those sessions, which were the issues Marlene was struggling with. These musings became Marlene's bible, kept her going and enabled Marlene to reclaim her life. This is also a story about caregiving and care receiving.