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Wellesley is "UP and Running," though quite differently than in 1952!

Wellesley is "UP and Running," though quite differently than in 1952!

President Paula Johnson welcoming students at the quarantine way-station,

the Verve in Natick

For the academic year 2020–21, Wellesley has developed a multi-layered approach to health and safety that is designed to protect our community. We are relying on all community members—faculty, staff, and students—to follow the public health guidance developed by the state and the protocols set forth by the College. These protocols include a rigorous testing schedule for all on-campus students and student-facing faculty and staff, contact tracing, and isolation and quarantine procedures. Given the need for physical distancing in residence halls and classrooms, the academic program will be delivered through a mix of in-person and remote classes. Instead of two semesters, the curriculum has been reorganized into four, seven-week terms, with each student taking two courses per term. Half the student body, mainly first-years and sophomores, are living on campus during the fall; in the spring, juniors and seniors will live on campus and first-years and sophomores will finish the year remotely.