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About Reunion


We hope you attended our Class Zoom Reunion on May 23rd and enjoyed the slideshow with Jr Show music which preceded it. Whether or not you did,  you can Click here to view the Slide show and even sing along with Jr. Show songs. Feel free to stop the show temporarily if you want to linger over any photo by clicking the = sign in the lower left corner to stop the action and then restart it by clicking on the small arrow in that same spot.

And take a look at the two pages from the Jr Show Program which lists all of us who took part as well as a list of the Scenes ENJOY!

Cast List

Committees and Scene descriptions

About Reunion


65th Reunion on May 23, 2021

  a huge success!

        A ZOOM class reunion was held which included the ff:

              Slide show: photos with background music from Jr. Show

click here to see the show..(which you can stop in order to focus on  something)

              Class Meeting led by outgoing

                                       President, Sally Blumberg Linden

                     Approval of new Class officers,

                                       President Anne Sinnott Moore

                     Financial report given by Jane Kentnor Dean

               *Memorial Service led by

                                      Jane Power Mykrantz 

                                      Maud Hazeltine Chaplin

                                  Former Class presidents recited names of

                                      classmates who have died since our 60th 

                 *Report about life at Wellesley (during pandemic)


                         Lia Gelin Poorvu '56, WC Board of Trustees,

                         Andrew Shennan, Dean of the College and Provost

                   * Click >>>HERE!<<< to see recording of both

           the Memorial service and

          the discussion featuring Lia and Andy Shennan


On June 5th:The Alumnae Assoc. held its 141st Annual Meeting during which we heard various reports by the outgoing President and were introduced to in-coming Board members  and officers. The Serena Stackpole award was presented to 2 members of the class of 1970 and 2 of the class of 1971.

We learned that results of the recent questionnaire sent to alums indicate that a majority of us greatly appreciate the Wellesley network, have been very satisfied by the education we received, and felt we were prepared well for life. A link to the full report will be posted when it is publicized. 


As of May, 9.1 million dollars have been raised of the 10.5 million goal for the fund for Wellesley and additional donations have been added and will continue to be added through June. It is hoped that the participation goal of 40% will also be even if you send can afford to send only a tiny  gift, do try to contribute! 

President Johnson spoke about the newest strategic plan which will be published in the near future. Meanwhile, here is a brief look at the outline she presented.