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President's Message

From the President

Dear Classmates,

By now you have received the Summer Newsletter which is full of news and pictures of our 65th Reunion. It was a splendid time for those of us who could attend in person plus sharing with classmates who joined in remotely.

You can find more reunion pictures and the video of the Memorial Service elsewhere on this website. If you have reunion pictures that you would like to share, please send them to our webmaster, Kerry Johnson Snyder, at

Future plans for class get togethers include a luncheon in New Your City hosted by your class officers and Nicki Newman Tanner on Sept. 20th and an all class Zoom meeting on November 10th.  The luncheon will feature an update on the state of the college by Andy Sherman, college Provost and the November Zoom meeting will have as its speaker, Lawrence Rosenwald, Anne Pierce Rogers Professor of English emeritus at Wellesley.

Finally, Franny Berth Myles, our class Annual Giving Rep. and Secretary, reports that the class achieved its five-year giving goal of $1,500,000 with a total giving of $1,730,405. She reports also that in this reunion year, the class had 23 donors at the Durant level and a 65.1% participation rate. Congratulations to all!!

With my very best,


Betsy Rauch Rainoff