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January 2021 Newsletter

January 2021 Newsletter


Happy New Year, Classmates!  

We send you very best wishes for 2021. No doubt your holidays were relatively  subdued, but we hope you and yours all emerged with no signs of COVID.  If you did have any adventures you wish to share, please send them to Margie at

--Patsy and Vicki

Here`s the latest from 1960:


Dorm reunions have started!

Freeman and Caz have had meetings that participants really enjoyed. Beebe, hosted by Susan Hand Talbot and Joan Browstein Leibovich, is scheduled for March 15. 

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Plans are underway for Shafer and Munger. We need volunteers to host/organize others.; We have a couple of volunteers to assist for Pom and Bates, but we are looking for more help. Dates/topics for these minis are completely up to the hosts, so step up ladies and help us out. Email Toni Schoolman Allen and Barb McAdam Muller to volunteer.

--Toni and Barb


COME AND GET 'EM. We have only about 25 copies of WELLESLEY MEMORIES left to sell. For fifteen dollars ($15.00) You will get a freshly printed copy of memories from 61 of your classmates. PRICELESS!
Drop a note to Peggy Cohn 70 Weaver Dairy Road #110 Chapel Hill NC27514, with a check and your address and she will pop it in the mail to you.

--Peggy and Junia


Success! Redglow2 is up and running on Google.

Adaptability is the key to survival, according to Darwin, and 1960 is no exception. Please encourage any classmates who might—after 40 years!—be considering joining Redglow2 to get in touch with me, or 781-820-9734. All are welcome.

Let’s hope for many more years of good communication.



Our class Legacy Fund supports Wellesley’s new engineering program. Not everyone will remember that when we first decided to undertake this project, we hoped we could raise $100,000 (the minimum the College would accept to establish a named fund). Together, we actually put in a little over $200,000 out of our own pockets. Then about 5 years later we had a matching grant for $50,000.

The Fund is already worth over $280,000. It has grown that much just from having been wisely invested.

It now pays out over $12,000 each year in support of this innovative hands-on engineering program, developed at Wellesley and already of interest to other colleges.

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This past spring, Amy Banzaert, the professor who accomplished this, was awarded the Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

We think our Legacy Fund is one reason we of the Class of 1960 can be very proud of what we have done together.

-- Mari & Missy


1960 Class Officers 2020-2025: Presidents Patsy Fogarty and Vicki Fay; Vice Presidents Peggy Cohn and Liz Karet; Secretaries Margie Arons-Barron and Junia Hedberg; Treasurer Judy Lasca; Wellesley Fund Representatives Missy Moore and Mari Wright; Chair of Planned Giving, Mary Ascot, Past President Margot Topkins Tutun. Class website: