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November Holiday Newsletter!!!

November Holiday Newsletter!!!

Greetings, Classmates!

We send you very best wishes for Thanksgiving and all the wonderful holidays fast approaching. This will be a holiday unlike any other we have experienced in our lifetime. A few of us will be flying – masked, distanced and sanitized – to join dear family members. More of us will probably not, bowing to caution and the demands of individual circumstances, and will instead be reaching out by Zoom, Facetime, or Skype to connect with loved ones who have always been with us in person. Please share with co-Secretaries Junia and Margie any creative innovations you and your family and friends come up with to celebrate so we may include them in upcoming Class Notes. We need all the help we can get as we move toward spring 2021. --Patsy and Vicki

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Here`s the latest from 1960:



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We have a fun-filled virtual day planned for you in Hawaii. We will begin around noon (EST) with a DIY brunch and some interesting talks about Hawaii. One will be by our own Andrea Kundsin Dupree about the volcanoes and astronomy in Hawaii. We’re hoping to have other speakers as well to talk about the history of the islands and Hawaii portrayed in art. Then, later in the day (5:00 EST), there will be a cocktail hour – or two – complete with a hula lesson and time for break-out sessions for chatting with friends. Ahead of our virtual get-together, we will be sending out recipes for Hawaiian treats and drinks as well as a bibliography of relevant books and movies if you want to do some preparation for our trip. So, familiarize yourself with Zoom, find your suntan oil and join us! -–Liz & Peggy


Now that we know there will be no on-campus reunions in 2021, we thought having virtual dorm minis might be fun. These can be done using Zoom, Skype, or similar internet connections. We need volunteers to host/organize them; we have a few dorms covered (Beebe, Caz, Freeman) and have a couple of volunteers to assist for Pom and Bates, but are looking for more help. Dates/topics for these minis are completely up to the hosts, so step up ladies and help us out. Email Toni Schoolman Allen and Barb

McAdam Muller to volunteer.

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Beebe is first out of the gate and you will soon be hearing from Joan Brownstein Leibovich and Susan Hand Talbot. -–Toni & Barb



As many of you already realize, Yahoo Groups has decided to dissolve itself, leaving Redglow without an immediate home. Ouch! We got over our immediate reaction of panic and despair and contacted Google Groups. This online service seems to serve the same purpose and has been utilized with satisfaction by several of our Board members. Therefore, I’m in the midst of transferring things over to Google Groups and you shall be hearing more about this within a week or so, certainly before the end of December.

Adaptability is the key to survival, according to Darwin, and 1960 is no exception. Please encourage any classmates who might—after 40 years!—be considering joining Redglow to get in touch with me, or 781-820-9734. All are welcome.

Let’s hope for many more years of good communication. --Margot


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The Wellesley Fund is facing a perfect storm: decreased revenue (because of fewer students on campus and in dorms), increased expenses (because of COVID costs), and no alumnae events on campus to evoke those happy memories. Ours is definitely the class that keeps on giving. Let`s show `em again this year. -- Mari & Missy


1960 Class Officers 2020-2025: Presidents Patsy Fogarty and Vicki Fay; Vice Presidents Peggy Cohn and Liz Karet; Secretaries Margie Arons-Barron and Junia Hedberg; Treasurer Judy Lasca; Wellesley Fund Representatives Missy Moore and Mari Wright; Chair of Planned Giving, Mary Ascot, Past President Margot Topkins Tutun. Class website: