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Hold onto your red beanies, we have great news!

WELLESLEY will hold an on-campus reunion this year and The Class of 1960 has official permission to march in the parade (Or cheer from the sidelines, if that works better for you.)

SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2022 


To be followed by a Class Lunch—possibly a box lunch on campus. Class officers will be meeting  that weekend, so there may be a dinner somewhere Saturday night. TBD

Class VP’s Liz Karet and Peggy Cohn will be chairing the planning committee and they need a  rough idea of attendance. Please email Peggy asap and let her know:

  1. Yes, I’d love to join in the parade and picnic if I can.
  2. I will be looking for overnight accommodation. OR
  3. I have local accommodation.

Of course, everything depends on COVID remaining in remission, so cross your fingers and toes,  wear all your lucky charms and stay tuned for more information. 

--Your Class Officers

1960 Class Officers 2020-2025:  Presidents Patsy Fogarty and Vicki Fay; Vice Presidents Peggy Cohn and Liz Karet; Secretaries Margie Arons-Barron and Junia Hedberg; Treasurer Judy Lasca; Wellesley Fund Representatives Missy Moore and Mari Wright; Past President Margot Topkins Tutun. 

Class website: