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From the Presidents

From the Presidents

Dear ’61 classmates: 

Welcome to our class website, which has been refreshed – and will be maintained – by our Tech Officers, Andrea Julian and Rosalie Wolf. 

You will find here a list of your current class officers with brief bios and the Class Bylaws, as well as a great photo of a mini-reunion from the past.  We expect that news of future mini-reunions will be posted here as soon as they are proposed or organized.  There may occasionally be notes about other ways to get involved, or other events that might be of interest.

For news about the College today, the Wellesley College website is the best source, along with the weekly “News in Review.”  For more timely news about the activities of our classmates, and brief notices about those who have died recently, the Class Notes in the Wellesley magazine is the site to consult.

If you have ideas about other ways in which this website can be helpful, please let us know.

1961 Wellesley Rah! 

Nan Overholser Keohane and Betsy Lee Loughran, Co-Presidents