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About Reunion

About Reunion

You may now register for our 60th Reunion here!

Your Class Officers and Reunion Co-Chairs are enthusiastically planning our SIXTIETH REUNION! Although we must be entirely virtual, you will have many opportunities to meet up with your classmates, renew old friendships, get to know new friends, and enjoy fun and stimulating programs. This contains information to get you started on your ZOOM TO REUNION!

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION NOW! For us to contact you for participation in Zoom programs, you must update your email in TWO PLACES.

1) Fill out our Wellesley Class of '61 Information Survey to share your email address with our Zoom hosts, S&K Tech. This will allow you to be contacted for all the Class of ’61 Zoom programs.
2) Be sure the WCAA has your updated records for the free College-sponsored, All-Alumnae Zoom programs and for mailing your insignia. To confirm or update your information, especially your e-mail and mailing address, visit and select "Update Your Profile" from the menu that is midway down the page.
You will need to login with your MyWellesley username and password. If you need help recovering your login info, contact or call 781-283-7777.

You may now register for our 60th Reunion here. An email was sent out the class about registration and payment. We will need registration and payment for you to participate in our many future class of ’61 Wellesley Wednesday mini-reunions and reunion offerings. (Some events are free.)


Final Wellesley Wednesday Program is on May 26, 5-00-6:30 PM EDT- Jane
Mansbridge, PhD, Wellesley’61 “Today’s Democratic Crisis: Why Listening is

Reunion Weekend June 4-6: Link to updated Schedule

Please also take a moment to View these Class of 1961 Reunion Projects, which our classmates have diligently put together for your Enjoyment.

Creative Classmates- A virtual display of the Creative talents of classmates from stimulating books to stunning photographs.  Click here

Wellesley Memories- A narrative based on 30 of our classmates’ Recollections of their Wellesley Years. Click here

Memorial Program from the 1961 Memorial Service (Sunday, June 4, 2021) Click here

Your Reunion Co-chairs:

Elaine Soloway Dratch

Judy Stone Thoft

Cynthia Kersten Doran