From Marj Parish Bribitzer, our VP Zoommaster
General information about class Zoom meetings:
The class of ’62 holds a Zoom get-together approximately monthly. Our usual day and time, which seems to be convenient for the greatest number of classmates, is the 4th Monday of the month at 3 PM Eastern time, but this can be changed to accommodate the presenter or to keep from interfering with holidays and other important events.
To be included in the announcements for these meetings, please send your email address to Marj Bribitzer at This is an opt-in and opt-out list which only Marj maintains. Updating your information on the College website doesn’t change Marj’s list!
The most common theme of a meeting is a presentation by a classmate, and the subjects range widely. If you have any sort of experience or expertise that you would like to share with your classmates, please let Marj know. If you know of a classmate whom you’d like to hear talk about a book she has written, her career, hobby or interest, Marj would love to hear about it. The most common format is a presentation followed by a question-and-answer time. Occasionally, we have had interactive sessions and/or break-out groups to facilitate discussion and camaraderie. Anything goes if it keeps us living, learning, and connecting to each other!
Here are the topics covered in our Zoom meetings this winter:
February 26, 3:30 PM – breakout rooms for “Just chat”
March 25, 3:30 PM – Susan Zuccotti – “My Work as a Holocaust Scholar.” The countries for discussion will be France, Italy, and the Vatican.
April 22 – 3:30 PM – Judith Stamp discussing a farming program she supported on the Eastern Cape in South Africa and the booklet she produced: A Growers' Guide to Natural Farming: Ten Steps to Success and Farmers Who Lead the Way.
May 27 – time TBA - Judythe Roberts on her book Searching for Home: An Immigrant’s Journey from Ukraine to the USA
June - date and time TBA - Libby Browne on the history of the Black community of Philadelphia