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Book Suggestions from Classmates

Book Suggestions from Classmates

From Spring 2021 Class Newsletter

Nancy Walker Benjamin and Kathy Howe Strehle:  The Other Americans by Laila Lalami

Betty Belden Iwan and Nancy Walker Benjamin:  Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

From 2021 Wellesley Magazines

Nelly Lichauco Fung:  American Dirt by Jeanne Cummings

Made Gomez Ginn:  Final Transgression by Harriet Welty Rochefort

Linda Appleby Stubblefield:  Blindness by Jose Saramango

Linda Appleby Stubblefield:  A Promised Land by Barack Obama


2020 - Recommended by Classmates:

From Rona Hirsch Mendelsohn:  The Soul of America:  The Battle for Our Better Angels by Jon Meacham

From Martha Leich Fox:  The Pioneers by David McCullough


Spring 2020 Issue Additions:

From Cornelia “Nelly” Lichuaco FungThe Collector by Natalya Semenova 

                        Madame Fourcade’s Secret War by Lynne Olsen 

                        A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

                        Creating Across Cultures: Women in the Arts from China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan edited by Michelle Vosper

                       Mozart’s Women:  His Family, His Friends, and His Music by Jane Glover

From Barbara Bloom:  Blood Done Sign My Name by Timothy Tyson

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace by Jeff Hobbs


Summer 2020 Issue Additions:

From Christine Bauer Williamson: Songs from the Alley by Kathleen Hirsch

From Sarah (Sally) Barnard Edwards, There’s No Stopping Us Now:  The Adventures of Older Women in American History by Gail Collins


Fall 2018 – Winter 2020 Authored by Classmates:

Margaret Locke Newhouse, Legacies of the Heart

Nancy Walker Benjamin, In My Dreams

Constance Whitman Baher, The Case of the Kickass Retirement

Barbara Bloom, Ephemeral Blooms

Diana Loercher Pazicky, Or Else

Order of Imagination:  The Photographs of Olivia Parker, Peabody Essex Museum

Nancy Stoller, Southern White Girl Seeks Social Change

Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, Traces of J.B. Jackson: The Man Who Taught Us to See Everyday America