Life Memberships & Our Class Treasury
Unlike many Alumnae Classes, the Class of ’63 has a full cohort of paid-up members. We might like to think it’s from all of us being so loyal and responsible, but the truth is that during the boom years of the ‘80s and ‘90s, our funds were well-invested by wise class treasurers, and the high yields were used to pay up the life membership of every alum. The principal created by the payment of our life membership dues is currently managed by the Alumnae Office, which sends annual interest income to the treasurer. She uses these funds, plus our other investment earnings and funds from gifts to the class, to cover class expenses, especially those generated by Reunion. Other class expenses include support of the officers’ return trips to campus for Alumnae Leadership Council and class newsletters. Last term, the class also funded a plaque honoring Susan McGee Bailey’s retirement as Director of Wellesley Centers on Women. At our class meetings at Reunion over the years, we have voted to make generous class gifts to the college; these are also funded from our class treasury.