My Classes

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From the President

From the President

Class of 1964 President’s Message

Welcome to the new 1964 Class website.

Our website fell into disuse, but is now being revived so that information we all need will be readily available. We hope you will use this site as a way to share your opinions and thoughts.

Our 60th Reunion will let us reunite for what we know will be a happy and bittersweet time together.  Our freshman directory listed 487 of us but we know of 99 who have died. And a few have slipped off the radar. You can find listings for 370 in the Alumnae Directory.

As a class we have accomplished astonishing things. Some of us are famous, most of us are not. Some of us became artists --painters, potters, sculptors, musicians-- while others worked in publishing, media, academia, charities, major corporations, started small businesses, raised families, marched for peace and justice, established foundations, served as elected officials…the list is varied and far-reaching. 

Our 60th Reunion is an opportunity to refresh friendships but also to meet a classmate you never knew …because you were in science classes and lived in Tower and she was a painter and lived in Bates.  To ensure there is time for friendships and discussions at the Reunion, the official class meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting on May 8 from 2:30 to 3:30 EDT. Details on how to attend will be posted on this website and also sent by email.

The class Reunion Committee members welcome your suggestions for discussion topics. Committee members are listed below. Co-chairs,  Corty and Jean,  can be reached by email.

Corty Banks Fengler: co-chair (
Jean Kilbourne: co-chair (
Lynn Dixon Johnston
Bonnie Greeley Sherwood
Lee Hawkins Harrison
Ginger Maloney Lawrence
Carolyn McClintock Peter
Jeanne Moulton
Davi-Ellen Rosenzweig Chabner
Barbie Ray Stevens
Mardi Taylor Brownell

Please email comments or questions you have to me, using the link below.

Nancy (Perk) Needham
Class President