My Classes

My Clubs

My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)


Walnut Creek California Mini-reunion, October 25, 2023
11  members of the class of 1964 gathered for lunch in Walnut Creek California

Standing in the rear: Corty Fengler, Cinda Pearlman, Joan Skurnick, Lynn Trowbridge (hostess), Judy Merrill, Judith Harding, Sue Elkind; Front row: Nancy Conner, Bonnie Sherwood, Jeanne Moulton, Lucia Bogatay.
(The group so enjoyed their time together that they decided to repeat annually.)


Newton Massachusetts Luncheon, October 2023
Davi Chabner, Carolyn Peter and Jean White Cole.

Davi Chabner, Carolyn Peter and Jean White Cole.

Ann Arbor Michigan, October 2023

Trudy Oliver Bulkley, Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi and Davi Chabner at Trudy's grandson's bar mitzvah.

Nantucket Massachusetts mini-reunion, June 2023

Alison Chase, Davi Chabner, Susan Brownlee, Diane Foster and Sally Crock.

Newton Massachusetts mini-reunion October, 2019


Evanston Illinois mini-reunion October 6. 2019
San Francisco California mini-reunion October 10, 2018

From left to right, Lucia Bogatay, Corty Fengler, Judy Duryea Merrill, Carol DeCesar Goode and Bonnie Sherwood met for lunch at Carol's temporary home in San Francisco