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Retreat and Potluck

Retreat and Potluck

In early October, we officers spent a fun and fruitful weekend at Loring Low Stevens’ home in Duxbury, Mass., to strategize about how to bring our class closer together in the four years we have left before our 2020 reunion. We decided to do a “bonding” weekend because most of us did not know each other well or at all in college, and because our monthly conference calls can’t cover the bigger issues.

On Saturday night, 11 Massachusetts-area classmates (plus the officers) assembled for a potluck supper. We had a blast! What we didn’t do was rehash the ole college days. What we did do was reconnect — and sometimes connect for the first time — with a vibrant, engaged cohort of women who share a significant experience: our time at Wellesley, as well as our 50 years since. Some who attended had moved on from Wellesley before graduation but thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with an inspiring group of women.

Back row, l to r: Betty Falsey, Jan Schoene, Martha Hoppin, Sally Parr Cerny, Sonja Taylor Strong, Molly Bang, Tucker Massey Clark, Carolyn Tillinghast Powers, Wendy Meyer Woodfield, Susan Batchelder Plimpton; front row, l to r: Ellie Viens Perkins, Jan Stone Curtis, Sandra Willett Jackson, Susan Maycock, Loring Low Stevens, Vicki Kayser Rugo, Claire McCarthy Peterson