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Our Class Meeting

To keep the meeting brief and allow more time for the class conversation, the business meeting agenda, reports and other information were distributed on line.

We elected new class officers:

  • President: Jeanne Lindholm Palleiko
  • Vice President: Susan Forbes Martin
  • Treasurer: Anne Davis Kennedy
  • Secretary: Melissa Fox
  • Wellesley Fund Representatives: Linda Lohman Spence and Eva Youngstrom Knight
  • Durant Chair: Judith Margolis Katz.

To see pictures of them enjoying themselves at reunions and mini-reunions, and to read outgoing class president Barbara Bywater Creed's introduction to her successor, click here.

One of the highlights of the meeting was a presentation by Christine Cruzvergara, the newly appointed Executive Director for Career Education of the Center for Work and Service, on on an exciting new program. She gave a description of the College to Careers initiative for students and alumnae (an initiative made possible in large measure by Lulu Wang’s philanthropy). To read Christine's remarks, click here.

In recognition of Barbara Bywater Creed's wonderful leadership during these past five years, the class officers presented her with two gifts.

Outgoing Vice Presidents Linda Wyatt Gruber and Elaine Abbot French are shown at left presenting Barbara with a package that contains a framed "certificate" stating that a donation to the college for the College to Careers Initiative has been made in her honor.

Outgoing Treasurer Eleanor Frey Counselman also presented Barbara with a small token of the officers' appreciation--a pair of flamingo socks.