This revised version of our class constitution was voted in at the class meeting at our fiftieth reunion. The following text was sent to all class members prior to reunion.
To: Members of the Wellesley College Class of 1966
From: Class Officers
Re: Revised Class Constitution
The original constitution for our class was adopted when we graduated. In 2010, the Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA) adopted a revised form of constitution for Wellesley alumnae classes. At our 50th Reunion business meeting, our class adopted the revised constitution.
The main changes in the revised constitution are summarized below:
1. Tax-Exempt Status. The revised constitution expressly states that the class operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and adds a provision to establish and preserve its tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.
2. Class Assets. The revised constitution provides for the disposition of class assets after the 60th reunion. At that point, the class must turn over its treasury to the WCAA, which will maintain the account as directed by the class treasurer. When the class treasury is dissolved, the assets will go to the WCAA. It also spells out the names and signatures required on class accounts and addresses the use of class account earnings and the account records to be submitted to the WCAA.
3. Extended Description of Officer Duties. The president is given explicit authority (in consultation with the executive board) to appoint chairs of committees not specifically described in the constitution, such as webmistress, newsletter chair and other positions, as needed, and to fill vacancies in the executive board. She shall also produce an annual report for the WCAA. The vice president directs the mini reunion program. The treasurer makes annual WCAA and IRS filings.
4. Class Membership. The revised constitution provides for class membership for non-traditionally aged graduates. Non-graduates must have completed one term with the class to be considered an active member.
Other changes include providing that Robert's Rules of Order may govern the class when it applies and is consistent with the constitution. The revised constitution also has no provision for nomination of officers by petition. The current constitution allows nominations by petition signed by at least 15 class members.
Adoption of the revised constitution requires the vote of two-thirds majority of those present at the class business meeting. In the meanwhile, classmates can send comments to the officers.
Article I. Name and Purpose
This organization shall be known as the Class of 1966 of Wellesley College. Its purpose is to preserve the unity of the class as an effective body in the service of the College, and, in furtherance of that purpose, it shall operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
Article II. Composition and Membership
Section 1. Active Members
Any graduate of the College who entered with the class or would have expected to receive her degree with the class when she entered shall be considered an active member of the class. Any graduate who received her degree in another year may instead become an active member of that year’s class by notifying the Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA). Any non-traditionally aged graduate who received her degree with a class is considered an active member of that class unless she notifies the WCAA otherwise. Any non-graduate who completed one term with the class and any student who joined the class for the 1964-65 academic year as a Catherine Hughes Waddell Junior (“Guest Junior”) is considered an active member of the class unless she notifies the WCAA otherwise.
Section 2. Honorary Members
Any person who is nominated by the executive board of the class may become an honorary member upon election by a two-thirds majority vote. Honorary members are non-voting members of the class.
Article III. Eligibility to Hold Office
All members of the class, as defined in Article II, Section 1, shall be eligible for election to any office in this organization. All offices described in this Constitution must be filled by members of the class. All officers are required to keep their contact information current with the College and must provide both a phone number and an email address.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. Executive Board
The class officers shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and annual giving representative. These five officers shall constitute the executive board of the class, which shall have the authority to transact all class business between class meetings, and shall fill any vacancies in its membership during the remainder of the term.
Section 2. Tenure
Class officers shall serve a five-year term from the time of election or until their next reunion, whichever comes first.
Section 3. Duties
a. President. The president shall call and preside over executive board meetings. She shall keep herself informed of College and WCAA activities and organize methods for disseminating that information to her classmates. In consultation with the executive board, the president may appoint chairs of other committees not specifically described in this Constitution as shall be needed to fulfill the business of the class, including webmistress, newsletter chair, and other positions as needed. In consultation with the executive board, she shall fill any vacancies in the executive board . She shall serve ex-officio on all class committees except the nominating committee and produce an annual report for the WCAA.
b. Vice President. The vice president directs the mini reunion program. She may appoint regional and state leaders to assist with the implementation of this program. The vice president shall, in the event of the absence, disability, or resignation of the president, perform the duties of the president.
c. Secretary. The secretary shall preserve all minutes of class and executive board meetings, copies of publications, and documents of importance to the class and shall perform other duties pertaining to that office. She shall prepare class notes for the Wellesley magazine, according to the schedule and guidelines published by the magazine staff, currently four times per year.
d. Treasurer. The treasurer shall send out dues notices, receive class funds, and disburse class funds in accordance with her duties. She shall submit an annual financial report to the class president and WCAA. In addition, she must annually file with the IRS according to regulations governing 509(a)(3) supporting organizations.
e. Annual Giving Representative. The annual giving representative shall serve as the fundraising officer of her class. In that capacity, she shall work with the Annual Giving Office in encouraging classmates to make an annual gift to the College
Section 4. Appointment and Removal of Officers
a Executive officer terms begin at the designated quinquennial class meeting for a term of five consecutive years, ending at the next class reunion. In the September prior to that class meeting, the current executive board appoints a nomination committee chair. The chair puts together an independent nominations committee to manage the nominations process. It is the duty of the nominating committee to select candidates to fill the offices of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The annual giving representative position presents a special case, as the nominating committee must submit the names of several qualified candidates to the Annual Giving Office for approval. The nominating committee shall then select the final candidate from the list of those who have been approved. The completed slate must be made available to all class members by the nominating committee at least six weeks before reunion. The officers are installed during the class meeting at reunion.
b. Any class officer may resign by delivering a written resignation to the other members of the executive board. Such resignation is effective upon receipt unless it is specified to be effective at some later time. Any class officer may be removed from office, with or without cause, by the affirmative vote of all other members of the executive board or by the WCAA, in the case of dereliction of duties.
Section 5. Shared Offices
More than one member of the Class may be elected or appointed to serve jointly in specific offices.
Article V. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees
There shall be the following standing committees:
a. Nominating Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate a slate of candidates for offices of the class.
b. Reunion Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to organize and oversee reunion.
c. Record Book Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to produce a record book for reunion.
Section 2. Appointment and Tenure of Standing Committees
The chairs of standing committees shall be appointed by the president in consultation with the executive board. Each chair shall appoint her own committee. The terms of all standing committee members shall expire when the executive board leaves office.
Section 3. Special Committees
The president, in consultation with the executive board may appoint special committees needed to fulfil the business of the class, including webmistress, newsletter chair, and other positions as needed.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1. Executive Board Meetings
Executive board meetings shall be held at least once a year.
Section 2. Class Meetings
Class meetings shall be held at the time of reunion, which follows the quinquennial plan.
Section 3. Special Meetings and Resolutions
The executive board may call special class meetings, to be held whenever and wherever it designates, or may instead submit resolutions to class members. Both require the secretary to give notice of the board’s action to classmates before the meeting. In the case of a special meeting, the notice shall state the meeting’s time, place, and purpose; in the case of a virtual meeting, the notice shall be accompanied by a ballot and shall set forth the text of each resolution, briefly stating its effect and purpose. The notice must be sent to class members at least 30 days before (a) the date of the meeting, or (b) the date by which completed ballots must be received in order to be counted.
Section 4. Quorum
One-tenth of the living members of the class shall constitute a quorum. A two-thirds majority of quorum is required for passage.
Article VII. Activities
The class shall not perform any activities not permitted by (a) a corporation exempt from federal income taxes under section 509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law) or (b) a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law). This provision includes that the class shall not circulate propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence public legislation, nor shall it participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of a candidate for public office (including the publishing or distributing of statements).
Article VIII Class Dues and Other Monies
Section 1. Class Dues
There are two types of class dues, annual dues and life-membership dues. Dues may be increased, decreased, or eliminated pending unanimous approval of the class executive board.
Section 2. Annual Dues
Annual dues directly support class activities.
Section 3. Life Membership
The opportunity to become a life member of the class is available at any time. Life membership principle is invested with the College, and the interest it generates is used to support class activities.
Section 4. Bank Accounts
All bank accounts shall stand in the name of the class, with funds payable on order of the treasurer or the president, both of whose signatures must be on any bank accounts. A record of all account numbers and locations must be submitted to the WCAA to be kept in the permanent class file.
Section 5. Earnings
All earnings from class funds should be used to support class activities, or the College. No part of the net earnings of the class shall be used to benefit any individual.
Section 6. Disposition of Assets
Shortly after its 60th reunion, each class turns over its treasury to the WCAA, which maintains the account as directed by the class treasurer, in consultation with the board. Unless otherwise specified, when the class’s treasury is dissolved, all of its net assets shall be distributed to the WCAA or, if the WCAA is no longer in existence, solely to organizations qualified as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law).
Article IX. Governing Rules of Organization
Roberts’ Rules of Order Revised may govern this organization in all cases to which it applies and is consistent with this constitution.
Article X. Adoption and Amendments
A two-thirds majority of those present at a class meeting is required to adopt this revised constitution. Thereafter, this constitution may be amended at any business or special meeting, provided that:
1. Notice of the proposed amendment, with ballot, is sent to the class at least 30 days before the meeting or date by which ballots must be received to be counted, and
2. Two-thirds of all ballots received before the meeting favor the amendment or the amendment is approved by a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting.
Constitution as adopted on __________________________
President of the Wellesley Class of 1966