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All Hands On Deck_2016-06-15_263

All Hands On Deck!

We are so excited that our 50th reunion is right around the corner.  We hope everyone can come to share this unique time together.

The College has now received 76 Durant-level gifts from our classmates.  We were hoping to reach 66 Durant donors by reunion--and we've done it and more. Thank you! For those who haven’t made a gift yet, or wish to take advantage of a new matching opportunity, please consider a donation (or even another donation!) before June 3. With a gift of $2500, you will join the Durant Society.  You can donate on Wellesley's website. The fiscal year ends June 30.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) are back.  This allows all of us who have to make a minimum required distribution (MRD) from our IRAs, i.e., everyone over 70 ½, to make a distribution from her IRA to Wellesley without paying any income tax on that distribution. Talk to a tax accountant for more information--and then have your IRA custodian transfer your IRA directly to Wellesley (a qualified charity).  NOTE:  the transfer cannot be paid to you; it must be paid directly to Wellesley from your IRA.  Investigate this option in support of the College.  The Office for Resources at Wellesley has more information on its web pages. If you have questions, please contact us ( and/or or Norma Barrett (, our class contact on the Office for Resources staff.

See you at Reunion:  June 3, 4, 5!

Jolinda Kulli Taylor and Carol Ann Brogna Hayes

Durant Gifts Chairs