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Boston-area mini-reunion_2017-12-12_332

Anne Hanford hosted a delightful get-together

Not to be outdone by Denver and San Francisco, classmates from eastern New England also got together with Melinda Ponder to hear about her new book, Katharine Lee Bates: From Sea to Shining Sea. Anne Hanford provided a lovely setting and delicious hors d'oevres and supper for the group. And she wore the flamingo dress that her mother gave her when we first adopted the pink bird as our class mascot.

Seated, left to right: Cam Moore, Kate Rea Schmitt, Jeanne Lindholm Palleiko, Susan Forbes Martin, Mary Baughman, Joan Barkhorn Hass, Anne Hanford, Melinda Ponder.

Standing, left to right: Bobbie Crumrine, Roz McFarland Williams, Melissa Fox, Eleanor Frey Counselman, Carol Ann Brogna Hayes, Mary Shepard.

For more photos from the evening, see the Boston-area mini-reunion photo album. (This requires logging in. If you don't have your Wellesley user name and password, get them here.)