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Caz classmates in California_2019-08-26_376

’66 meets ’99

Barbara Bywater Creed organized and hosted a wonderful gathering of friends from Caz at her vacation home at the Sea Ranch in Sonoma County in late May. Getting together with Barbara in this idyllic setting were Mary Baughman, Ellen Varmus Bloch, Eleanor Frey Counselman, Marjorie Maher Kulash, Louise Overstreet Maley and Freya Lund Sonenstein. Lynn Harrison joined us for dinner one night; she was staying with her sister, who also has a place at Sea Ranch. (The photo to the left shows some of on Barbara's deck, looking out at the Pacific. From the top: Barbara, Louise, Marjorie Freya and Ellen.

And we met another Wellesley alum in an unexpected place. Barbara introduced us to the Point Arena Lighthouse and Museum, and six of us climbed to the top to see the magnificent view. (Barbara stayed in the museum--or perhaps the museum shop). We asked if someone on the tour with us would take our picture to document the fact that we had made it to the top, and in the course of the conversation about what brought us there, we found another alum. So of course we included her in the picture. Here we are, left to right: Marjorie, Mary, Ellen, Eleanor, Freya, Louise and Anna Ford Halverson ’99.