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Long Island mini-reunion_2015-10-24_220

Seven classmates gathered on Long Island for a visit, some cultural edification, and a few meals July 30-31 at the homes of Alice and John Tepper Marlin and Joan Barkhorn Hass. They visited LongHouse Reserve in East Hampton and The Rocks, the home shared by Jackson Pollock and his wife Lee Krasner from 1945 until his death in 1956.

For more pictures and information, see the Long Island Mini-Reunion Photo Album, and check out John Tepper Marlin’s blogs:

LongHouse Reserve:
Pollock-Krasner House:

Left to right: Roschel Holland Stearns, Sally Swigert Hamilton, John Tepper Marlin, Alice Tepper Marlin, Susan Rittenhouse, Joan Hass, Robin Reisig, Hannah McClennan

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