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Looking Forward

When the 2021-2026 class officers sent a questionnaire to the class asking for program suggestions, the overwhelming response was requests for information and discussions regarding how we live our lives as we get older. Using classmates' suggested topics, the officers developed a series of six programs.

There were two major categories of three programs each, shown in the following list. Note that the title of a program or category is a link to a summary, with the recording of the program itself. In the case of Living Arrangements, there is also a compilation of documents and links to many of the resources that were discussed in the programs, such as websites and information from presenters. Check out the topics that interest you:

Getting Our Affairs in Order (Virtual Mini-Reunions #32-34)


Dealing with Digital Assets

Our Last Best Act: Planning for the End of Our Lives

Living Arrangements (Virtual Mini-Reunions #36-38)

Our Issues and Choices

Staying in Our Own Homes

Moving to Senior Communities