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Virtual Mini-Reunion #7 - July 14, 2020

Melinda Ponder discusses her noted biography, Katharine Lee Bates: From Sea to Shining Sea, which tells the story of the trail-blazing woman who wrote "America the Beautiful."   It portrays the story of her public triumphs as an activist poet as well as her personal heartaches as a single woman who had to choose between marriage and a career.  Melinda describes the many roles that the fledgling Wellesley College played in the life and career of “Katie of ’80” (class of 1880). Once she joined the young female Wellesley faculty members, they pulled her into the tumultuous events of the country, and she responded with “America the Beautiful,” and by mentoring the next generation of American poets, including Robert Frost. 
64 classmates attended Melinda's talk.

You can listen to Melinda's talk here.  

You can view the photographs Melinda showed here.

You can visit Melinda's web site here.