Volunteer Leadership
There is a small but dedicated army, close to 90 classmates, working to bring this reunion to you. If you would like to offer help or suggestions, or if you have questions, these are the names and emails you need:
- Reunion Chairs
Phyllis Gottesfeld Knight phyllisknight@comcast.net
Suzanne Storey Speaker bns807dtx@outlook.com
- Friday Night Dorm Parties:
- Weezie Knight knight@bucknell.edu
- Karen Ahern Boschenstein kabc4@virginia.edu
- Passions and Projects:
- Judy Foreman judy@judyforeman.com
- Amy Bright Unfried amywyo66@gmail.com
- Sue Hallock Klock suehklock@gmail.com
- Record Book:
- Susanne Brisach susannebrisach@comcast.lnet
- Cam Moore camoore31@gmail.com
- Melissa Fox mc.fox11@verizon.net
- Survey:
- Judy Mazo judymazo@gmail.com
- Heidi Dalzell Finger fingers3@verizon.net
- Judy Peller Hallett jeph@umd.edu
- Carol Wester Yoder carolwyoder@gmail.com
- Insignia:
- Judy Margolis Katz judithmkatz@gmail.com
- Tech Support:
- Susan Martin susan.f.martin@gmail.com
- Ann Wegner Birk birk@mit.edu
- Martha Teeter teeter@bc.edu
- Saturday Night Dinner:
- Agnes Pearson Reading agpreading@gmail.com
- Robin Ladd McEntire rrmcen@comcast.net
- Memorial Service:
- Karen Lebacqz klebacqz@gmail.com
- Sara Stoker sarastoker88@gmail.com
- Avis Dimond Miller rabbiavis@ralphmiller.org
- Helen Buhr helen..j.buhr@gmail.com
- Ellen Jaffe esjaffe@outlook.com
- Publicity/Communication:
- Melinda Ponder melindaponder@comcast.net
- Liz Trowbridge Wild etwild22@gmail.com
- Liz Kelley Quigg lizquigg@gmail.com
- Class meeting and Election of Officers:
- Jeanne Palleiko jeannepal@alum.mit.edu
- Class Conversation: Eleanor Counselman eleanorf@counselman.com