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Class of 1967 Sunshine Conversations 2023-2024

Class of 1967 Sunshine Conversations 2023-2024

September 26, 2023

Indonesian Textile Treasures - A Living Legacy

Keith Graham Clemson, collector of Indonesian textiles inspired during nine years of teaching in Indonesia, in conversation with Helen Currie Foster, mystery writer, attorney, and Austin Shakespeare board member.

See Keith's website at .

Zoom recording (.mp4 file)


November 29, 2023

From tips for wills and trusts for us all to governance advice to Saudi patriarchs – a surprising journey!

Barbara R. Hauser, lawyer and advisor on governance to leading Saudi families, in conversation with Joan Hunt Robinson, lawyer with a long career in the Office of Legal Counsel of the Oregon Legislative Assembly.

Zoom recording (.mp4 file)


February 1, 2024

Art Evolving:  “To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” [R. Buckminster Fuller]

Lea Vaughan Feinstein, teacher, writer and artist using a variety of interesting media, in conversation with Leslie Pickering Francis, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah.

Zoom recording (.mp4 file)

(Lea pronounces her name as if it were spelled Lee. Zoom host Judy Cohen apologizes for mispronouncing Lea's name in the video as if it were spelled Leah.)