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Wellesley Class of 1967 Memorials Presentation at 55th Reunion June 5, 2022

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Wellesley Class of 1967 Deaths since 55th Reunion in June 2022

Click on the links for obituaries and/or memorials. Scroll down memorial pages to the class of '67.

Nancy Hughes Clark. July 18, 2022. Los Angeles, CA. COVID. IM: Diane Baer Ryan. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.



Wellesley Class of 1967 Deaths since 50th Reunion in June 2017

Click on the links for obituaries and/or memorials. Scroll down memorial pages to the class of '67.

Marilyn Brennan Schwam. July 2, 2017. Pullman, WA. Cancer. IM: husband Andrew. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial

Courtney Graham Donnell. September 27, 2017. 72. Chicago, IL. Multiple Sclerosis. IM: Prue Richardson Beidler. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Anne Murray Eskra. December 27, 2017. 72. Denver, CO. Stroke. IM: None.  Online obituary.

Linda Daignault Howell. March 29, 2018. 72. New Bern, NC. Cancer. IM: Julie King Stamm. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Martha Loeb Hayes. May 12, 2018. Irvine, CA. Cause not known. IM: None.

Marion Arnold Robie. June 15, 2018. 72. Newcastle, CA. No cause cited. IM: None. Online obituary.

Sandie Cano Assad. June 28, 2018. 72. Atlanta, GA. Cancer. IM: None. Online obituary.

Deborah Davis Caughron. April 18, 2019. 74. Claremont, CA. No cause cited. IM: Pam Price '66. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Sandra Johanson Meslow. May 12, 2019. 74. Mystic, CT. No cause cited. IM: None. Online obituary.

Eleanor Chaffee. August 13, 2019. ca 85. Rochester, NY. Cancer. IM: None. Online obituaryBiographical information and Wellesley College Institute in Chemistry Information

Eve Kellogg Kleger. October 9, 2019. 73. New York, NY. Cancer. IM: None. Online obituary.

Kathryn “Kathy” Blecatsis Erskine. February 15, 2020. 74. Manchester, NH. Cancer. IM: Kathy Chaikin Bernstein. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Kaatri Boies Grigg. February 15, 2020. 74. San Francisco, CA. Frontotemporal dementia. IM: Pat Fiorito Oakes. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Margaret “Jean” McQuarrie Salisbury. February 2020. Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada. Vascular surgery. IM: Matthew Salisbury, husband. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Carla Mathes Woodward. May 18, 2020. Waterford, CT. Long illness. IM: Leigh Hallingby. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Sigrid “Sigi” Olson Lindo. July 21, 2020. 74. Rockport, MA. ALS. IM: Rhoda Morss Trooboff. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Mary Ellen "Pix" Carlson. September 22, 2020. Providence, RI. Dementia.

Elaine Harriet Pogostin Brown. February 22, 2021. 75. Bethesda, MD. Cancer of kidneys. IM: Leigh Hallingby. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Judith Blainey Llewelyn. September 1, 2021. 75. Brewster, MA. No cause cited. IM: Ann safier Tettlebaum and Susan Atkinson Nicholson. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Bettina “Betsy” Barasch Plevan. October 29, 2021. 75. New York, NY. Lymphoma. IM: Pomeroy '67 Band of Sisters. Online obituary. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Lora Gopi Benjamin Maurer. November 7, 2021. 76. Brookline, MA. No cause cited. IM: Pomeroy '67 Band of Sisters. Wellesley Alumnae Memorial.

Virginia Simpson Aisner. May 29, 2022. 77. Wellesley Hills, MA. Metastatic breast cancer. IM:    . Online obituary.