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See list of all committee members for our 2022 Reunion

It's impressive! 35 Classmates! 


REUNION 2022 COMMITTEE 06.05.2022
Co-Chairs Erry Johnson
Anne Conley Weaver
Reunion Book  Co-Editors Becky McCandlish Burckmyer
Scottie Smith Farber
Ann Brua Welch
Proofreaders Muffy Myers Johannsen
Dana Semeraro
Vivian Witkind Davis
Treasurer Alice Boelter
Insignia Anne Conley Weaver
Erry Johnson
Projects and Passions Andy Berens Karls
Karin Rosenthal 
Hospitality and Residence Lolly MacMurray-Cooper
Rhoda Trooboff
Conversations Prue Richardson Beidler
Cathy Miller Berkley

Kathy Chaikin Bernstein
Claudia Cords Damon
Dotty Hindels Brown
Karin Rosenthal
Gail Migdal Title
Gail Josephson Lipsitz
Joan Stiefel Greenbaum
Ann Hill
Jenny White
Ann Rosewater
Memorial Service Beth Bates Johnson 
Saturday Dinner  Kathy Stone Kaufmann
Helen Sandalls
Entertainment      Elaine Woo
Helen Currie Foster
Betsy Gesmer Gitter
Sue Harmon
Mary Nicholas
Green Reunion Planning Nancy Selvage 
Tech Facilitator Dorothy Furber Byers
Accessibility Coordinator Cathy Miller Berkley
Parade Marshal Elaine Woo