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Hello Sunshine Classmates!

I know you have been receiving inspiring emails from the illustrious Elaine Woo regarding giving to the Wellesley Fund. As we prepare for our 55th, we also want to share with you other ways to donate to the college.  Some of these methods of giving can save you taxes—who doesn’t want to save taxes?  All of them will count towards our class gift in honor of our reunion.  Most important, they can make a difference for future generations of Wellesley students for years to come.

Check out these various ways to save taxes and support Wellesley.  Now is the perfect time to do some financial planning, so check out these solutions and see what works for you and your family.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Development Office at the College or email me at

Looking forward to seeing you in June.  Stay safe and well.

Kathy Chaikin

Class of 1967 Gift Planning Chair

QCDs—Qualified Charitable Distributions

·        If you are age 70½ or older and we all are, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) of up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to Wellesley and pay no federal income tax on the distribution.  A QCD can satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) without increasing your income taxes.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities—I just did this and saved a bunch in taxes 

  • By giving appreciated securities you have owned for more than a year, you enhance your tax benefits. 
  • You receive a tax deduction for the value at the time of your gift and you avoid the capital gains tax that you would have owed if you sold the stock.
  • Please be sure to contact your investment advisor now because most firms have strict rules regarding the time you must contact them to make security gifts in advance of our 55th. 

Donor Advised Fund Distributions 

·         Many of you already enjoy the tax benefits and flexibility of a donor advised fund, Preparing for our next reunion is a great time to request a grant for Wellesley.

Charitable Gift Annuities—a great strategy for our 55th! 

·         You make a gift of $10,000 or more to Wellesley and:

o    Wellesley pays you guaranteed income for life, regardless of market volatility. 

o    Your annuity rate is based upon your age, the date of your gift, and when your annuity payments begin.[1]

o    A charitable income tax deduction is available for a portion of your gift. Recent changes in annuity rates allow for a larger tax deduction than in some prior years.

o    A portion of your annuity income is tax-free and if funded with appreciated securities, your capital gains tax is also reduced.

o    You and our class receive credit for the entire amount of your gift, increasing our 55th  reunion class gift total.

o    You receive a one-year membership in the Durant Society and lifetime membership in the Wellesley Legacy Society.

Bequest Intentions—I did this before our 50th!

·         Wellesley will give you and our class gift credit when you notify the College of a bequest intention for $10,000 or more in your will, trust, life insurance policy, IRA, or other retirement plan.

·          The College’s formal name is "Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA" and the EIN is 04-2103637. 

·         If you wish to benefit a specific program or create an endowed fund, please contact for help with appropriate language and/or to document the terms of the fund. 

·         Your bequest intention also qualifies you for a one-year membership in the Durant Society and lifetime membership in the Wellesley Legacy Society. 

·          Just let the College know of your bequest intention by downloading and completing this Bequest Intention for Gift Credit form, making a copy of the section of your legal document that names Wellesley as a beneficiary, and mailing both to Wellesley College, Office of Gift Planning, 106 Central St. Wellesley, MA 02481. 


[1] Based upon an average class age of 76, the payout rate is a guaranteed 5.6% for an immediate payment charitable gift annuity. The Wellesley Office of Gift Planning can provide you with a personalized illustration.